Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Last night was my first night working with Pastor Matt and the junior highers. I recently stepped down from Kids Church and since I can't not work in church, I decided to assist Matt when he asked me to come on board with the Junior Highers.

I was standing there listening to the girls talk as we were hanging out before service and they are listening to music. I asked who they are listening to, "You won't know them, it's a group for people our age." Then another says, "Yeah, for our generation." I made the mistake of asking, "Do you think I'm old?" Five girls all looked at each other with a smirk, "well, yeah, kind of." So I thought I was still young and hip, but apparently not. They named half a dozen groups and I didn't know any of them!

I did learn....
*It's cool to walk around with your friend listening to your IPOD - sharing earphones. You can't hardly walk and keep bumping into each other, but it's so cool.
*The words "my bad" are so last year.
*Swweeettt is on it's way out as well.
*Christian punk music is the best music EVER.
*Boys with long hair swept to the side - like Zac from High School Music - are so hot.
*Starbucks coffee is so 'whatever' - but "Frappicinos rock."

I also learned...
Some things never change! Girls still giggle together; boys still act like they don't care yet can't take their eyes off the girls!!

I had so much fun last night - we are having a big sleepover at my house in September to kick off the new year, I'm sure I'll learn a lot more then!!


Unknown said...

Duh....yes, you are old you are sooooooooo last decade!!

And I am sure they still love you; grandma Deb!

Love always, the young and hip....

Debbie said...

Darn, why did I have to share my blog with you?! What on earth was I thinking!

Carmela said...

Sorry you're old!! But I remember having a teacher who was thirty when I was in fifth grade and thinking SHE was old. Love having the insider scoop on what REALLY goes on when I drop my daughter off, and especially what's cool and what's not cool! (I'm VERY glad to know that "my bad" is on its way out ... always bugged me).
By the way, Ashley does that "sharing earphones" thing all the time. I always thought she was just strange. Now I know she's cool and I'm the strange one!

DonnaG said...

Yes you are old. I am old and so are the other women reading this. Funny thing is that I would rather be where I am right now than back in JH sharing earphones and talking about what's in and what's out. I know a whole lot more than those girls, you know a whole lot more, and all of us oldie women reading this are nodding their head in agreement. We had our time and now it is there time to be silly and stupid.

But I don't think you are sooooo old to them that they won't come running to you when they need something. They know they can count on Debbie.

Give them the strength, I will take the gray hairs anyday. And that is biblical!!!!!

BUT........I don't think I can give up gigglin' all night at a sleepover. I think that one is timeless/ageless!

Unknown said...

I am not old....maybe as I get closer to 40, I'll ADMIT being older.....and I'll MAYBE admit being old when I am 50!

Age is a state of mind over matter.....if you don't mind, it doesn't matter! (Mark Twain)

My mom is 58 and she still calls women in her bible group "Old"...but not her!

My dad is 60, plays soccer with 30 year olds and he keeps up! He certainly doesn't feel old.

When I worked with the teens at my church, I was 24 and they thought I was old! Now when I look at teenagers I don't feel old...I think....."they were still pooping in their pants just 12-14 years ago!" That puts it in perspective. We are OLD, to them....but to my mom and dad, we are still young. To elderly people, we are babies!

You love me.....and knew you had payback from being so bad at responding. Where is Lask-McDonaugh when I need her?

Carmela said...

Just a quick little add-on. When Ashley saw your post, she's all, "WHAT??!! She wasn't supposed to write that! That was me!" So I asked her specifically which [rude-ish] comments she was responsible for. I am SO embarrassed! Funny how she kind of told on herself, though!
Also, she can't post comments cause you don't allow anonymous comments and I refuse to allow her to post under my name!

tjep said...

After reading these comments- Debbie if you're old then I must be really really old since I'm over 45!!! Well, I like being old!
Those girls are gonna look at you and be in awe of the wisdom you'll have for them when they need it. Have fun at your sleepover!