Monday, February 04, 2008


It snowed last week in my little town of DuQuoin, Illinois. Mom and dad always send me pictures of it knowing how much I miss the midwestern winters. We have lots of pictures throughout the years of us standing in the yard, sometimes the snow was only at our ankles, sometimes to our knees and higher!!! We didn't always know how many inches fell, because our gauge was how we looked when we stood in it. My weirdo dad actually offered to pose naked in the front yard for a picture once the snow stopped falling to see how much they got - I passed on that one thank you very much!! (you should thank me too!!!!)

My parents live across the street from the Illiois State Fairgrounds, which is acres and acres of beauty. Here is a picture of a cute little bridge at the fairgrounds. We've taken many pictures there. When we had snow days from school we all headed to the fairgrounds for an entire day of sledding!! So many memories - so much fun!!


tjep said...

Simply beautiful!!! I could stare at that picture for a long time!

christy p said...

Wow...that is gorgeous. Truly.

DonnaG said...

Wow, that is a great pic. But for some reason all I can picture is your dad naked on the bridge! Go Mr. Hooker!

Kim said...

Beautiful but TOOOOO COLD. I'm a California girl who whines if it's below 50 degrees.

Rhonda said...

No wonder you miss it. Beautiful!