Thursday, February 21, 2008


I don't have kids to post like so many of you do, but I love all my nieces and nephews as if they were my here's one of my girls!! This is Sophie. She's 14 or maybe 15 - it's hard to keep count after they hit 13. She's off to the Sweetheart Dance at school. She had a date, but I didn't ask if I could post the guy's pic too, so I'm playing it safe and just showing her off.

Sweetheart back home is actually a Sadie Hawkins dance..the girls ask the boys. Of course we had our girlfriends ask first - "Debbie is thinking of asking you, would you go if she did!" How guys do that on a regular basis I don't know! I remember one particular dance, I think it was my junior year and I was with my BFF Margaret. I went with a guy named Neal and she went with John. We tended to collect every momento and we were both eyeing the table number in the center of the table. Now mind you, it was probably a piece of colored heavy paper folded in half with a number in fancy writing - but darn it, we wanted that for our bulletin boards and scrap books. We ended up tearing it in half. I bet if I look hard enough at my parents house, I'd find that table number. It's fun looking back!

Don't let her beauty fool you - she's quite the ornery one!!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is so funny!! I do remember us both eyeing that table was just a piece of pink construction paper folded in half with the # written on it in magic marker.....I think it was 17 or 18. I did make quite a display on my bulletin board if I say so myself. :-) I think I had you ask John in band if he would say yes before I asked him myself.....thanks for being my "wing-man"! :-) Thanks for giving me a fun memory to smile about today! Miss you.....Margaret

Carmela said...

How fun to look back at those years! and get a glimpse into Debbie the teenager :) That is a funny story!

She is totally gorgeous!!