Saturday, August 18, 2007


Tonight I went and saw Mama Mia at the Orange County Performing Arts Center with six of my friends - Pam, Carol, Renee, Missy, Teresa, and Robin - I'm sure most of you know who they are without last names and know they are a fun bunch of gals!

We started out the night complimenting each other about our great hair, great blouse, great shoes, you know, those things our husbands don't always do!! We had a GREAT time being girls. Before the show we giggled, laughed way too loud, talked inappropriately at times (that only you can do with friends!), and ate too much at dinner WITHOUT talking about how many calories or fat grams we just consumed! And Missy was taking pictures throughout the night capturing all the craziness!

On the way home Pam's Sequoia was blaring with more laughter and more inappropriate conversations!! Good thing tomorrow is Sunday - we can get our religion back!! I felt like a goofy teen again. It was great just being with girlfriends for a night of fun, food, and theater! We don't drink, so we didn't have any alcoholic beverages, but we were joking that if we did can you imagine how much more loud and obnoxious we would have been!!

Some highlights - that the girls didn't believe I would post!!
*As I was fluffing my hair in the restraunt bathroom, a girl said to me she really liked my curls and hair and then winked at me. I think she was flirting! I grabbed Robin's shoulders and followed her out and said, "I'm with her." I probably should have flashed my wedding ring - but no, I said I was with another girl!! What was I thinking??
*Robin sat next to a guy who "copped a feel" on a body part located in the upper region as she sat down. But from the looks of the guy, we think she's safe!!! :-)
*We were taking pictures of us on the elevator - not wanting other people to get on -in the mirrors. We then pushed the "open door" button so long that it started buzzing and security was heading our way - so we ran away laughing hysterically!!
*There were mirrors all over the bathroom, so we took pictures in the bathroom - weird, huh??
*The big finale was awesome and we were on our feet dancing and swaying to the music!!! In fact, for about three songs, the seven of us (and the three questionable gentlemen next to Robin!) were the only ones in the upper levels standing.
*But the best part of the evening - we all went home and . . . ("dot, dot, dot")
(if you saw the show, you'd get the dots and probably smiling about now!!)


Carmela said...

Wow! Sounds like a total blast! I want to see some of Missy's pictures! There's NOTHING so satisfying as going out with a bunch of girfriends and letting your hair down, is there?!

Girls need girlfriends!

Unknown said...

I wasnt to see these pics too! Post a link...

tjep said...

I heard so many great things about that show! Thanks for sharing your fun. What a great bunch of gals! Gals to pal with!:)

Will said...

hey Debbie from LB. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I wish I could update more often. I will soon. keep in touch. say hi to Darren for me!