Monday, February 26, 2007


We attended the annual Darrenn and Jenny Platt Academy Awards party last night. It's quite a competitive night! For all those who want to participate we turn in ballots on the Wednesday before the Oscars guessing who will win and we put them into a spread sheet. The person who gets the most correct wins the Academy Award at the end of the evening. For the third year running Darren and I have won. We won an Oscar that is 'engraved' with a gold craft marker with our names as well as some cool prizes. The Oscar gets passed from year to year to the winner. Dan and Terri Erichson won four years ago - and then us and us and us!! I'm thinking next year we should just get a Lifetime Achievement Academy Award and stop playing - give someone else a chance. We like movies, we go to movies, we rent movies, we read about movies, we listen to talk radio about movies - so we are 'educated players' in the game!!! Or maybe it's because Darren is in charge of the spreadsheet!! :-) Actually, we have two big screens, one for the Show and the other with the spreadsheet so everyone can see where they stand throughout the evening, so if we did try to cheat, we'd be found out!

I am in charge of Oscar Bingo! That makes the evening a lot of fun too! (at least I think so!) I put things in the bingo like, "Winner trips on stairs," things like that! Some people had that and everytime someone got up to accept an award they were yelling - "C'mon, I only need one more, trip, fall!!" Boy, we miss a Sunday evening church service to party and look what happens to us!! Anyway, then I buy prizes that go along with nominated movies - like for "The Illusionist" I bought a magician's hat and a bunny rabbit!! How fun is that?! Robin Garvin won that one!

So we all just hang out in comfy clothes, eat too much, and criticize everyone!! "Can you believe she's wearing THAT!!" Some of those celebs obviously didn't look in the mirror before they left the house! Us common folk could do better than some of them by shopping at our favorite store - Target!!

So I have returned our Academy Award next to our DVD collection! Oh yea, my acceptance speech, "I can't believe I won!"

1 comment:

Dave Peeters said...

Sounds fun, congratulations!
