Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Darren left very early yesterday morning for Detroit. I'm so jealous - it's getting down in the low 40's with rain...and it may even get down to the 30s. I love love love cold weather. We packed his long sleeve shirts - something he doesn't wear much out here. And he took his really great black leather jacket that he looks SOOOOOOOOOOOO good in - another item he rarely wears out here. I should totally be there - enjoying the cold weather and looking at my handsome hubby in his black jacket.....ahhhhhhh Heaven!! :o)

Although I must say I was feeling a little guilty leading up to his trip - I was actually looking forward to some down time alone. The past couple months have been so stinkin' busy that I was looking forward to not worrying about laundry, ironing his shirts, sleeping through a peaceful night (without the snoring and teeth grinding!), and being able to eat a bowl of cereal for dinner!!! I was talking to my friend Teena Sunday night at our church's fall festival and she said she understood what I was talking about and she too has had those same feelings - so I felt less guilty!!! It's so funny how we can love our spouses sooooooooooo much, but have those moments where we just want some peace and quiet!! But I do miss him and by Wednesday I will really miss him. He's not coming home until 10pm Sunday - the weekends are the worst - I will REALLY MISS HIM then. The Bee Movie opens Friday, anybody want to loan me their kids that night and I'll take them to the movies?!

For now I'm enjoying my down time. Last night I didn't turn on the TV, the radio - nothing. It was totally peaceful and wonderful! I cleaned out the pantry! Tonight after youth I'm cleaning out the magazine racks which is a huge job since I re-read all the mags and go through them!! For some reason I just can't pitch magazines!

Anyway, tonight I think I'll have a can of soup in a plastic bowl!! Easy to fix, easy to clean!! :o)

1 comment:

tjep said...

I love cold weather too!!!

Enjoy, relax! My husband was gone for 2 days so 5 days is a long time! The only thing for me is I didn't sleep too well. Had to leave a light on! I just missed having someone to snuggle up to.